The Lightmongers Livery dinner was held on Friday 22nd March with it’s focus is on industry networking.
The Master and Officers greeted members and guests as they arrived at the unique and prestigious Clothworkers Hall, one of the larger, well-established Livery Halls in the City, where we were made very welcome. With 160 members and guests from across the wide spectrum of the lighting related industry all enjoyed the opportunities for socialising and networking before and after the dinner.
After an excellent dinner the Master gave a welcoming speech to all Guests, with particular thank you’s to Members who had sponsored the Military Merit Awards and other parts of the evening.
Each year at this dinner we present Awards for Outstanding Achievement to individuals nominated by each of our three military affiliations. The citations were given by the Commanding Officer of each of the units and illustrated impressively the capabilities and commitment of those who serve in our Armed Forces. Individual Lightmonger members generously sponsor each Award, and together with the Master, make the presentations.
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