Margaret Fitzsimons installed as Master Lightmonger for the 2021/22 year.
The Master for 2021/22 Margaret Fitzsimons At the annual Common Hall meeting (AGM) and Members Dinner held 5th November 2021, Liveryman Margaret Fitzsimons was elected to serve as Master Lightmonger for the year 2021/22. The other Officers elected were: Deputy Master Peter Harris; Senior Warden, Jamie Berry and Junior Warden, Peter McVeigh. L – R: Deputy Master Peter Harris, Master Margaret Fitzsimons, Senior ... Read more
Lightmonger Education Awards presented at September Court Dinner
At the September 30th 2021 Court dinner, held in the wonderful setting of Tallow Chandlers Hall, the Master presented three of the Lightmongers Education Awards for 2020/21. The successful students were the most outstanding on their respective courses. Other 2020/21 Awards will be presented at a later date. Through it’s Charitable Trust, the Lightmongers seek to encourage the long-term technical strength of the industry by ... Read more
Lightmongers visit to Trinity House, London.
On Friday the 15th of October a group of members and some partners visited Trinity House in London. Trinity House is the charity dedicated to safeguarding shipping and seafarers, providing education, support, and welfare to the sea-faring community. It also has a statutory duty as a General Lighthouse Authority. On arrival we were met by our tour guide and there was time to relax and catch ... Read more
Lightmongers’ Charity Golf Day 2021
Our annual Charity Golf Day was held on 14th October at the Royal Automobile Club Epsom, on their magnificent Old Course. The teams played to Stableford scoring and enjoyed superb weather for their rounds. The Event is usually held in May of each year but the COVID restrictions in place at that time made it impractical, so it was re-planned to this date in October. ... Read more
30th September 2021 Court meeting welcomes new Liverymen and Freemen
At long last! Having had to hold ZOOM meetings since February 2020, the Court was able to hold a face-to-face meeting on September 30th 2021. It was a busy and productive meeting with the added pleasure of installing one new Freeman and being able to complete the installation of eleven new Freemen, who had first been installed via a virtual ceremony (courtesy of zoom!). We ... Read more
Master’s Jailed and Bailed Appeal raises £1500 for the British Red Cross
The Masters gathered at the Old Bailey. Our Master is towards the centre of the photo. Each year City of London Livery Companies support a fund-raising appeal on behalf of the British Red Cross, in which the Masters are Jailed, on various charges, at the Tower of London and have to be Bailed out through members donations to release their Master. This year the ... Read more
Lightmongers at the 2021 Inter-Livery Clay Pigeon Shooting Competition
On a wonderfully warm and sunny June day, 12 guns representing the Lightmongers assembled at the magnificent Holland & Holland Shooting Grounds to participate in the 2021 Annual Inter Livery Charitable Clay Pigeon Shooting Competition. This major inter-livery annual event, now in its 27th year, took place over two consecutive days bringing together over 460 guns representing 78 City of London Livery Companies. With the Lightmongers drawn ... Read more
Fascinating 2021 Four Liveries Lecture delivered by Sir Ian Blatchford, Director and Chief Executive of the Science Museum Group.
Glaziers Hall near London Bridge was the venue for the 2021 Four Liveries Lecture that took place on Tuesday 7th September. The annual lecture alternates between four Worshipful Companies, namely Lightmongers, Glaziers, Scientific Instrument Makers and Clockmakers, who are linked by a common interest in science-based technologies This year it was the turn of the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers ( to host the lecture by ... Read more
Master’s Garden Party
The Master’s Summer Garden Party did not have an auspicious start. His practice run, attending a Garden Party at Buckingham Palace by invitation of Her Majesty the Queen had been cancelled due to the Covid19 pandemic, and Friday the 10th of October dawned as a cloudy, blustery day, with intermittent rain. Not quite the blazing sunshine of the previous days! Undaunted, the Master pressed on, ... Read more
River Thames sparkles for Junior Warden’s Cruise
There is no doubt that all the stars aligned for Junior Warden, Jamie Berry, who held his Junior Warden's event on the Thames aboard the Edwardian cruiser in July 2021. Not only did he manage to get his timing right to organise the Lightmongers' first in-person event for over a year, he also selected one of the balmiest evenings of the Summer enabling guests to ... Read more