The Worshipful Company of Lightmongers is one of the modern Livery Companies, being number 96 in order of precedence within the City of London Livery Companies, which now number 111 in total.

Our aim is to maintain a thriving Livery Company bringing all the different sectors of the lighting industry together, under four pillars of activity.

Fellowship – Charity – Education – Hospitality (Click to read more)

Fellowship: A place where the industry can come together to meet a wide variety of people involved in, or linked to, the lighting industry in convivial surroundings.

Charity: Enriching both our lives by giving and the lives of others in receiving, through our Charitable Trust. Our main focus is toward charities supporting those who suffer from sensory impairment of sight and/or hearing.
Education: Encouraging apprenticeships in lighting, providing financial awards to top students and providing merit awards for exceptional performance to members of our military affiliations.
Hospitality: Through a programme of social activities to host partners and guests both personal and business, in impressive venues, such as the wonderful Mansion House.