

Lightmongers Benches

I hope that you have been following the story of the Lightmongers benches outside the Royal Exchange. Past Master John Otten has been able to shed some light on the issue (pun intended) and discovered that the benches date back to 1984, the year the Lightmongers gained full Worshipful Company status. The Master of that year Leslie Hill was able to attend the Lord Mayor’s ... Read more

26th April 2017|Categories: News|0 Comments

Masters Blog April 2017

Dear Fellow Lightmongers March has been a busy month for the Livery and the Lightmongers. Amongst events I have attended were invitations from the Builders Merchants, Spectacle Makers, and Tallow Chandlers. It is always interesting to find common themes. The Builders Merchants are very much linked to the construction industry, as is lighting. The Spectacle Makers are involved in optics and the working of the ... Read more

6th April 2017|Categories: The Master's Blog|0 Comments