The Lightmongers Livery dinner this year was held on Thursday 10th March with its focus is on industry networking for Lightmongers and their Guests.

The Master and Officers greeted members and guests as they arrived at the unique and prestigious Apothecaries’ Hall, one of the well-established Livery Halls in the City, where we were made very welcome. 125 members and guests from across the wide spectrum of the lighting related industry enjoyed a unique dining experience, with plenty of opportunity for socialising and networking before and after the dinner.

In her after-dinner speech the Master gave a warm welcome to the Company guests, Dame Fiona Woolf (past Lord Mayor) and Alderman and Sheriff Nicholas Lyons, our Military Merit Award winners and our industry guests from the ECA, EDA, SLL and LIA. The Master also expressed her appreciation and thanks to the Lightmonger members who generously sponsored the Military Merit Awards and other parts of the evening.

The Master, Margaret Fitzsimons welcoming guests

Each year at this dinner we present Merit Awards for Outstanding Achievement to individuals nominated by each of our three military affiliations. This year our Royal Navy affiliated unit, HMS Queen Elizabeth was at sea and thus unable to attend, so their award will be presented at a later event. The citations for the Army and RAF awards were given by the Commanding Officer of each of the Units and illustrated impressively the capabilities and commitment of those who serve in our Armed Forces. Individual Lightmonger members generously sponsor each Award, and together with the Master, made the presentations.


Captain Duncan Wood of 579 Field Squadron (EOD & Search), receiving his Award from the Master and Sponsor, Liveryman Bob Harris, together with Major Shaun Mayland, Officer Commanding 579 Field Squadron


Corporal Mark Jennkinson of RAF 606 Squadron, receiving his Award from the Master and Sponsor, Past Master Rod Bennion, together with Squadron Leader Andrew Bucknall, Officer Commanding 606 Squadron.

Brigadier Simon Stockley replied on behalf of the guests to thank the Lightmongers for their hospitality and gave some insights into the work of the UK military in recent years and the commitment of the people serving in the Army, RAF and Royal Navy.

Brigadier Simon Stockley making his speech

The evening finished with some musical entertainment followed by a further opportunity for networking/socializing time before heading off home. A most enjoyable evening and great to be able to meet in person again following the COVID restrictions of the past two years.