Lightmongers visit to New College Worcester (NCW) Prize Giving
Our affiliated School for blind and visually impaired children, NCW, held their Celebration Day on 29th June, at which year-end prizes were presented. The Lightmongers were invited to join this Celebration Day and the Master, Stephen Thomas, the Clerk, Phill Hyde and Past Master Eddie Taylor and his wife Gill represented us. The day started with a concert showing the superb musical talents of the ... Read more
Lightmongers team in the Lighting Industry Sailing Regatta
The Lighting Industry Sailing Regatta, organized by the LIA, took place on 6th June, based at Portsmouth, with a competitive team of Lightmongers taking part. It was an excellent day for sailing and everyone enjoyed the experience. The Lightmongers team, captained by Liveryman Richard Smith, was not able to retain the Cup they won last year but they had a great day and will no ... Read more
Presentation of the Lightmongers Cup to the Top Lady Gun in the 2019 Inter-City Livery Competition
Following on from the annual Inter-Livery Clay Pigeon Shoot competition, which is held in May each year the formal prize giving ceremony took place at Guildhall on 12th June 2019. The Master Lightmonger, Stephen Thomas, was pleased to be able to present the Lightmongers Cup, which is presented each year to the Top Lady Gun of the competition. This year, the 25th year of the ... Read more
A warm welcome to new Liverymen and Freemen
At it’s May Court meeting it was great to see four of our Freemen, Paul Coggins of Trilux Group, Bart Gesner of Armadillo Lighting, Anthony Greig of Legrand Electric, and Charlie Lacey of Stearn Electric progress to full membership of the Company by being installed as Liverymen. Becoming a Liveryman of the Company is the final step to full membership of the Lightmongers and the ... Read more
Lightmonger Education Awards presented at May Court Dinner
The May Court Dinner, held in the wonderful setting of Tallow Chandlers Hall, was the occasion for the presentation of the Lightmongers Education Awards for 2018/19. The successful students were the most outstanding on their respective courses. Through it’s Charitable Trust the Lightmongers seek to encourage the long-term technical strength of the industry by providing Awards to the top performing students on a range of ... Read more
Lightmongers’ Charity Golf Day 2019
Our annual Charity Golf Day was held on 9th May at the Royal Automobile Club Epsom, on their magnificent Old Course. The weather was unkind this year with extremely heavy prolonged rain during the latter part of the afternoon. At one point several greens were under water! As a result, some teams were not able to complete all 18 holes and the judging was therefore ... Read more
Lightmongers at the Inter-Livery Clay Pigeon Shooting Competition
The Lightmongers sharp shooters! The Lightmongers fielded 3 teams of 4 guns each in this amazingly well supported inter-Livery day at the prestigious Holland & Holland shooting grounds. 80 Livery Companies were involved with a total of 120 teams and 480 individuals taking part in the competition. Our three teams were not amongst the winners but all returned respectable scores with our high ... Read more
Prince Arthur Cup – Inter Livery Golf Competition
This is the most coveted golf prize in the City inter Livery golf year. It was first introduced in 1927 at Walton Heath. That was the year in which Prince Arthur of Connaught was invited to become a guest of the Coachmakers’ Livery Company and then went on to accept the Freedom and Livery of the Company later that year. He was subsequently elected Court ... Read more
Livery Dinner 22nd March 2019 with our Military affiliation Awards
The Lightmongers Livery dinner was held on Friday 22nd March with it’s focus is on industry networking. The Master and Officers greeted members and guests as they arrived at the unique and prestigious Clothworkers Hall, one of the larger, well-established Livery Halls in the City, where we were made very welcome. With 160 members and guests from across the wide spectrum of the lighting related ... Read more
Construction Livery Group – 2019 Award winners
The Construction Livery Group held its 2019 awards ceremony at Carpenters’ Hall on 11th March 2019. The awards date back to 2001 when Masters certificates were first awarded to those who have held a leading position in their profession. These were then extended to include awards for Journeymen and Apprentices. This year there were 10 Livery Companies presenting their awards at the ceremony, which is ... Read more