Junior Warden Reception at the Savile Club
Our Junior Warden, Peter Harris, held his fund-raising reception at the Savile Club in London on 21st September. It was a very enjoyable evening for all the members and guests attending, with excellent food and wine, a superb cabaret and very enjoyable company. The setting of the Savile Club was ideal for such an occasion, having a great atmosphere whilst being quite informal. The Junior ... Read more
New Freeman and Liverymen installed at Court Meeting 19th Sept 2018
At the Lightmongers Court meeting held 19th September at Tallow Chandlers Hall the Master and the Court were delighted to welcome a new Freeman to the Company and to see the progress of two Freemen to Liverymen of the Company. Mark Sutton Vane was admitted to the Lightmongers as a Freeman and welcomed by the Master, Barbara Harding. Mark Sutton Vane with the Master, ... Read more
Liveryman James Simpson presents the 4 Liveries Lecture for 2018
Liveryman James Simpson It was the turn of the Lightmongers to host the 4 Liveries Lecture in 2018, which took place on 17th July and was held in the prestigious surroundings of the Livery Hall of The Worshipful Company of Painter Stainers. Liveryman James Simpson gave a superb presentation titled “Visualisation at the Royal Opera House and the future of Entertainment Technology”. James ... Read more
Lightmongers Summer Banquet 6th July 2018
Our Summer Banquet this year was held on 6th July and by kind permission of the Lord Mayor, we were able to hold it at the Mansion House in London. As ever, it was a very enjoyable and sociable evening in the wonderful surroundings of the Egyptian Hall of the Mansion House. Dining in the magnificent Egyptian room at Mansion House The Master, ... Read more
The Master’s Weekend in Bristol 15th – 18th June 2018
Each year the Master plans a weekend for members of the Livery. Our Master this year, Barbara Harding and her husband John organised a visit to Bristol, which is a City with a long history of trading across the world, similar to that of the City of London. A party of 46 gathered at the Bristol Hotel on 15th June, with the first event of ... Read more
Lightmongers explore the hidden River Fleet!
A group of Lightmongers and their family and friends met at the Hardy Tree by St Pancras Old Church on 3rd June to begin a walk, which would follow the path of the Fleet River to the Thames by Blackfriars Bridge. In fact the Fleet is now underground and forms part of the London sewer system but at one point we could definitely hear and ... Read more
Lightmongers Team win the 2018 LIA Sailing Regatta
The Lightmongers very happy winning crew This year the Lightmongers put a team together to enter the annual Lighting Industry sailing challenge cup, which is run by the LIA. We were up against 8 other teams from the lighting industry with various levels of competence from novice to experienced sailor. Our team consisted of: Tony Weeden Richard Smith Richard Hinchcliffe Mark O’Connor Paul ... Read more
Lightmongers at the Inter-Livery Clay Pigeon Shooting Competition
The Lightmongers sharp shooters! Lightmongers had 2 teams of 4 guns take part in this amazingly well supported day at the prestigious Holland & Holland shooting grounds. Once again this annual event hosted some 420+ guns representing 57 of the City Livery Companies. Unfortunately neither of our teams was a match to the winners, an excellent squad, of which one shot 79 out ... Read more
Lightmongers’ Charity Golf Day 2018
Once again this year the Lightmongers enjoyed a great golf day at the Royal Automobile Club on their Old Course at Epsom. The weather maintained and was perfect for the golf, which of course led to the enjoyment by all, even encouraged some to come in with outstanding results. A special thanks must go to Liveryman James Hill, who, apart from being the organiser of ... Read more
Lightmongers Mistress and Consorts lunch
On the 11th of May the Masters Consort, John Harding, welcomed 43 fellow mistresses and Consorts to lunch at Tallow Chandlers Hall. As well as being a social occasion the lunch was also raising funds for the Lightmongers Charitable Trust and the causes it supports, so the generous support of all those attending was much appreciated. Many Livery companies were represented and the lunch concluded ... Read more