Lightmongers have a Royal good time in Jersey at Master’s Weekend
Thirty Lightmongers and their partners made their way to the beautiful Island of Jersey on 3rd May to join Master Peter McVeigh and Consort Tess Nuttall for an unforgettable weekend of history, culture, lavish entertainment and fellowship. The Master even managed to organise blue skies and sunshine as well as the staging of the Annual Jersey Boat Show while we were there! Lightmongers mixed and ... Read more
Livery Dinner 20th March 2024 with our Military affiliation Awards
The Lightmongers Livery dinner this year was held on Wednesday 20th March, with its focus on industry networking for Lightmongers and their Guests. The Master and Officers greeted members and guests as they arrived at the unique and prestigious Painters Hall, one of the wonderful Livery Halls in the City, where we were made very welcome. Over 130 members and guests from across the wide ... Read more
The Master, Peter McVeigh, Senior Warden, Anthony Ginman and myself, Phil Webb, Cadet Liaison Officer, were pleased to be able to visit TS Wizard last Monday 12th February, this being the Master’s first opportunity to do so. Having collected Peter and Anthony from Wood Green tube station we drove the final leg to Wizard. Peter having travelled down from his home in Yorkshire especially and ... Read more
The Company welcomes new Liveryman and new Freemen at Court Meeting and Dinner
It was a great privilege for the Court, at its 14th February 2024 meeting, to install one new Liveryman and to welcome into the Company five new Freemen. The Court congratulated Freeman Darren Horobin, Lighting Manager at the London Borough of Camden, on progressing to full membership by becoming Liverymen of the Company. Liverymen are able to take up various City of London benefits, such ... Read more
Lightmongers William Wright Lecture – From AI to AR
The Lightmongers annual William Wright lecture took place on Wednesday 28th February and was a fascinating review of new tools that we now have available, and which are pushing the realms of storytelling in the entertainment sector. The lecture was entitled from AI (Artificial Intelligence) to AR (Augmented Reality) and was presented by Sarah Cox, a lighting designer with extensive experience in the entertainment lighting ... Read more
Lightmongers group visit one of the “hidden gems” of London!
Wednesday 21st February 2024; the Lightmongers Social and Communications Committee organised a private guided tour of the Kings Chapel of the Savoy, for Lightmongers and their guests. The Lightmongers group with the Chaplain, Father Thomas Woodhouse The Chapel dates back to the 16th century and is part of the Duchy of Lancaster. It is one of those historic sites that can safely be ... Read more
2023 Speech Day at Mary Hare School an inspiration to all
Charitable giving is a focus for the Lightmongers and we are proud to have a long affiliation with Mary Hare School for the deaf, where in addition to financial grants, we provide other support such as arranging events and experiences for the students. Lightmongers were honoured to attend this year’s Annual Speech Day at Mary Hare School where the Principal, Robin Askew, and his team ... Read more
Our new Master has a busy start to his year of office!
Peter McVeigh was installed as Master Lightmonger at the Annual Meeting held 3rd November 2023 and went straight into a busy first week. Liveryman Peter McVeigh, installed as Master Lightmonger 3rd November 2023 On Monday 6th November Peter represented the Company at the Livery Garden of Remembrance service held in St. Pauls Churchyard, at which he planted a Token of Remembrance on ... Read more
Lightmongers announce new Officers for the year 2023/2024
Lightmongers held their AGM and installation ceremony at their Annual Meeting on Friday 3rd November 2023 at Tallow Chandlers' Hall and are delighted to announce the appointment of the new officers for the year ensuing. Master, Peter McVeigh, Deputy Master, Jamie Berry Senior Warden, Tony Ginman Junior Warden, Graham Smith L-R Deputy Master Jamie Berry, Master Peter McVeigh, Senior Warden Tony Ginman, Junior Warden ... Read more
Master finishes his year with a flourish at 206th Court Meeting
Master Jamie Berry presided over his last Court meeting as Master on 3rd November 2023 and his agenda at that meeting was very full indeed: Before the meeting, Liverymen Perry Hazell and Graham Large progressed to Court Assistants and Liveryman John Gorse was welcomed as Court Liveryman. During the meeting Court Assistant Stuart Mucklejohn gave his last Education Committee report as he stood down as ... Read more