Lightmongers held their AGM and installation ceremony at their Annual Meeting on Friday 3rd November 2023 at Tallow Chandlers’ Hall and are delighted to announce the appointment of the new officers for the year ensuing.
Master, Peter McVeigh,
Deputy Master, Jamie Berry
Senior Warden, Tony Ginman
Junior Warden, Graham Smith

L-R Deputy Master Jamie Berry, Master Peter McVeigh, Senior Warden Tony Ginman, Junior Warden Graham Smith
The Annual Meeting, at which Jamie Berry, reported on the highlights of his year as Master was followed by a very special Installation Dinner for it marked the 70th anniversary to the day of the founding of the Lightmongers as a Society.
The officers processed into the hall led by the Company’s newly appointed sword-bearer for the year, Dr Stuart Mucklejohn who earlier in the day had stepped down as Chairman of the Education Committee after serving a six-year term.
The newly appointed Master, Peter McVeigh, opened his installation speech by leading the company in a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday to the Lightmongers, accompanied by Past Master David Rowden on the piano.
In a break with tradition, Freeman Suzanne Castine was installed after the dinner by the Master, hopefully the first of many installations in his year in office.
Guests at the dinner, including the five newly installed freemen and their partners, enjoyed fine food and wine, an eloquent speech from the Master, joining in the Loving Cup, some after-dinner musical entertainment and finally a Stirrup Cup before heading for home.
We wish all our newly appointed Officers a very enjoyable and busy year in office and our newly-installed Freemen much enjoyment and satisfaction in their membership of the Lightmongers.
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