Lightmongers held their AGM and installation ceremony at their Annual Meeting on Friday 1st November 2024 at Tallow Chandlers’ Hall and are delighted to announce the appointment of the new officers for the year ensuing.
Master, Tony Ginman,
Deputy Master, Peter McVeigh
Senior Warden, Graham Smith
Junior Warden, Mark Giardelli

L-R: Deputy Master Peter McVeigh, Master Tony Ginman, Senior Warden Graham Smith and Junior Warden Mark Giardelli.
The evening opened with a reception and the opportunity for guests to network and catch up with each other; always enjoyed by all. This was followed by the Annual Meeting of members, at which Peter McVeigh reported on the highlights of his very busy and enjoyable year as Master, full of unforgettable experiences and new friendships.
Following the formality of the Annual Meeting the newly installed Master and other Officers took their oath of office and received their gowns and badges for the year. They then processed into the hall led by the Company’s sword-bearer for this year, Past Master Mike Simpson.
Guests at the dinner, including our two newly installed freemen, enjoyed fine food and wine, the Loving Cup ceremony and an after dinner speech from the Master, Tony Ginman, in which he set out his theme for the year, which was to encourage more young people to get involved in the Company and he spoke about several initiatives he has planned for the year to support this.

The Master, Tony Ginman, giving his after-dinner speech.
Guests were then entertained with some wonderful music by students from the Guildhall School of Music, who were outstanding.
The formal part of the evening was concluded by the Deputy Master, Peter McVeigh, proposing the toast to the Lightmongers Company, “may it flourish root and branch forever”. The guests then joined the officers for a stirrup cup and enjoyed more time to network and catch up with each other informally.
A most enjoyable evening, we wish all our newly appointed Officers a very busy and fulfilling year in office and our newly installed Freemen much enjoyment and satisfaction in their membership of the Lightmongers Company.
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