Our annual Charity Golf Day was held on 24th May at the Royal Automobile Club Epsom, on their magnificent Old Course. The weather was remarkable this year, with dark clouds and thunder nearby but hardly any rain on the course itself and plenty of sun for the golfers to enjoy.

One of the teams setting off in sunshine, with dark clouds in the background.
The Lightmongers Charitable Trust makes financial donations to a range of charities that support people with sensory impairment of either sight or hearing or both, where good lighting has a positive impact for the individuals effected. The funds raised from this year’s Golf Day will be donated to our two affiliated schools: New College Worcester for blind students and Mary Hare School for deaf students. Later this year they will update us on how the funds raised have been used to support their students.
Following a good afternoon of golf, an Awards Dinner was held in the evening, at which Steve Thomas, Chair of the Trustees of the Lightmongers Charitable Trust, thanked all the golfers of the 19 teams that took part, and their Companies, for their support to the charitable causes described earlier. He also thanked those that had provided sponsorship including, Past Master Patricia Brain, Status International, Ansell Lighting, and all those that had sponsored holes and/or donated items for the auction and raffle.
Liveryman James Hill, who organised and managed the golf tournament itself, then announced the winning teams:

Overall winners with a score of 93: L-R Martin Keyland, Alex Mitchell, Ron Barnes and Steve King, with prizes presented by Kevin Hateley of New College Worcester and Steve Thomas Chair of Lightmongers Trustees. Magnums of champagne sponsored by Liveryman Pat Brain.

2nd with a score of 92 points L – R: Alec Fielding, Matt Caygill, Nathan French and Rob Davie, with Steve Thomas, Chair of Lightmongers Trustees.

3rd with a score of 89 L – R: John Allen, Simon Greenwood, Derrick Charlesworth, Steve Thomas, chair of Lightmongers Trustees, and Dylan Mansfield.
The winner of the nearest the pin in one was Joe Thomas and nearest the pin in two was Steve Tilling.
Congratulations to all the winners!
Some prestigious items, generously donated by several Lightmongers were then auctioned off, raising £900 and the draw for the raffle prizes, which had also been generously donated by members, took place, raising a further £900.
Kevin Hateley, of New College Worcester (NCW), who attended the dinner to represent our affiliated Schools, thanked the golfers and everyone else supporting this fund-raising event. He gave a brief update on how NCW was progressing generally and post-covid in particular. Both Schools were very appreciative of their affiliation with the Lightmongers and the opportunities resulting from it for their students.
Steve closed the formal part of the evening by expressing the appreciation of everyone involved to those individuals who had been instrumental in ensuring the success of this Charity Golf Day; Liveryman James Hill, for organising the tournament itself, Liveryman Peter Le Manquais for promoting the event and encouraging teams to participate and our Clerk, Phill Hyde, for the organisation and administration of the overall event.
The date to reserve in your diary for next year’s Lightmongers Charity Golf Day is 23rd May 2023
If you are interested in joining the Lightmongers or donating to the Lightmongers charity please, in the first instance, contact the Clerk, via email clerk@lightmongers.co.uk
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