A lightbulb moment!
Tallow Chandlers’ Hall looked resplendent as it prepared to greet Masters and Clerks from 20 Livery Companies for a luncheon on 7th October 2022.

Tallow Chandlers’ Hall – all prepared for the Lightmongers Masters & Clerks lunch – October 2022
As her year draws to a close this is the Master’s opportunity to thank those Livery Companies with which the Lightmongers have close working connections, and who have generously entertained the Master throughout her year in office, by inviting them to the annual Lightmongers Masters and Clerks luncheon.
After an excellent lunch the Master welcomed the guests and then invited Past Master Mike Simpson to give a potted history of what the man in the street calls a “lightbulb” but is called a “lamp” by lighting professionals.
With the help of some interesting props, Mike took us through 2000 years of lighting history in five minutes and then summed up some major technological strides made by the lighting industry in respect of lightbulbs over the past 15 years. The Master was delighted to offer all the guests a gift of one of the latest “lamps/bulbs” to hit the UK market – a lightbulb that generates 485 lumens of light (equivalent of a former 40watt bulb) but only uses 2.4watts of energy and will last for 50 years.
No-one at the luncheon felt they would be around long enough to outlive this lightbulb!
In his speech of response to the Master, the Master Tallow Chandler thanked the Lightmongers for their hospitality and proposed the toast “the Worshipful Company of Lightmongers, may it flourish, root and branch, forever.”
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