The Lightmongers very happy winning crew
This year the Lightmongers put a team together to enter the annual Lighting Industry sailing challenge cup, which is run by the LIA. We were up against 8 other teams from the lighting industry with various levels of competence from novice to experienced sailor. Our team consisted of:
Tony Weeden
Richard Smith
Richard Hinchcliffe
Mark O’Connor
Paul O’Connor
Mike Simpson
Apart from Tony who is an experienced sailor and knew all the nautical terms, the rest of us were novices and under the instruction of the two professional sailors on the boat.
After a bit of practice, and finding we responded better to “go to the high side” than “shift to starboard” we were ready for our first race. With some good starting tactics we were able to make a good start and over the afternoon managed 2 first places, 1 second and 1 third to take the trophy.
The day was great fun, if slightly wet as the rain came in later on in the day.
We shall return next year to defend this trophy so keep an eye out for the notification from the clerk!
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