The Lightmongers Livery dinner this year was held on Thursday 16th March with its focus is on industry networking for Lightmongers and their Guests.
The Master and Officers greeted members and guests as they arrived at the unique and prestigious Ironmongers Hall, one of the wonderful Livery Halls in the City, where we were made very welcome. Despite the challenges of a rail strike taking place that day, 120 members and guests from across the wide spectrum of the lighting related industry attended and enjoyed a unique dining experience, with plenty of opportunity for socialising and networking before and after the dinner.

Dining in the prestigious Ironmongers Hall
Whilst dining we were entertained with music by the outstanding drum band of our affiliated Air Cadet unit, 56 (Woolwich) Squadron, which was impressive and showed the skills of these young people.

Entertainment by our affiliated Air Cadet Unit drummers
In his after-dinner speech the Master warmly welcomed the Company guests, representing our Military Affiliations with the Royal Navy, the Army and the Royal Air Force and emphasised how important their role was to all of us. He also welcomed our industry guests representing the Electrical Distributors Association (EDA), the Highways Electrical Association (HEA), the Institute of Lighting Professionals (ILP). the Lighting Industry Association (LIA), and the Society of Light and Lighting (SLL).

The Master, Jamie Berry, making his after-dinner speech.
Each year at this dinner we present Merit Awards for Outstanding Achievement to individuals nominated by each of our three Military Affiliations. The citations for the Royal Navy, the Army and the RAF awards were read by the Commanding Officer of each of the Units and illustrated impressively the capabilities and commitment of those who serve in our Armed Forces. Individual Lightmonger members generously sponsor each Award, and together with the Master, made the presentations.

L-R: Commander Paul Johnson RN, Past Master John Harding (Sponsor), Lt. Mbongiseni Nyathi (Award winner) and the Master, Jamie Berry

L-R: The Master, Jamie Berry, LCpl Wilfredo Chillitupa (Award Winner), Liveryman Bob Harris (Sponsor) and Major Duncan Wood, OC 579 Squadron.

L-R: Sqn Leader Andrew Bucknell, OC 606 Sqn, PM Rod Bennion (Sponsor), Sgt Danny Morris (Award Winner) and the Master, Jamie Berry.
The Master then asked all Lightmongers to join him in a toast to all the guests at the dinner

The Master proposing the Lightmongers toast to all guests at the evening.

Commander Paul Johnson responded with a toast to the Lightmongers Company, “may if flourish, root and branch, forever.
The evening concluded with more networking/socializing time, before heading off home, with everyone working their way round the impact of the rail strike. A most enjoyable evening and great to meet people from across the spectrum of the industry.
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