It was a great pleasure for the Court, at its Court meeting on 1st November 2024, to welcome into the Company two new Freeman,
David De-vall, Head of Corporate Sales at City Electrical Factors (CEF)
Anthony Smith Ieng FILP MIET, Director of Stainton Lighting Design Services Ltd.

L-R: Freeman Anthony Smith, Master Peter McVeigh and Freeman David De-vall
The Master presented the new Freemen with their Certificates of membership, extended a warm welcome to them and encouraged them, as part of maximising the benefit of their membership of the Company, to actively participate in the Company and its events and to support its Charity work.
This was also the Court meeting at which David Rowden progressed to Past Master Emeritus. He gave a short address to the meeting of his time on Court and his experience of serving as Master of the Company twice, a rare honour. The Court showed their appreciation of his contribution to the Court over many years and looked forward to him continuing to contribute to its work in the role of Past Master Emeritus.
This was the final Court meeting at which Peter McVeigh was presiding as Master and the business of the meeting was expedited efficiently as always. At the end of the formal business Past Master Mike Simpson proposed a vote of thanks to the Master for his outstanding contribution in representing and promoting the Lightmongers Company during his year of office and the Court members warmly endorsed this.
If you would like to find out more about becoming a member of the Lightmongers, or about our Journeyman Scheme, please contact our Clerk, Mark Houghton by email at
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