It was a great pleasure for the Court, at its September 2022 meeting, to install three new Liveryman and to welcome six new Freemen.
The Court congratulated Kevin Grigg, Mark Lissauer and Bob Kronman on progressing to full membership by becoming Liverymen of the Company. Liverymen are able to take up various City of London benefits, such as the right to vote for the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs, and to be more involved in progression in the Company, including up to becoming Master if they are so interested.

L-R Kevin Grigg, the Master Margaret Fitzsimons, Mark Lissauer; Bob Kronman
At the same meeting the Court were also delighted to welcome into the Company six new Freemen:

L-R: Ray Molony; Andrew Moseley; Mark Ginn; the Master, Margaret Fitzgerald; Jon Chamberlain; Neal Hooper; Richard Bowman
Ray Molony – Journalist/Events Organiser – Build Back Better Awards.
Andrew Moseley – Commercial Direct – CEF
Mark Ginn – RSM – Hager UK
Jon Chamberlain – Managing Director – Marshall-Tufflex
Neal Hooper – Managing Director – Aico Ltd
Richard Bowman – Operations & Supply Chain Manager – Holophane.
The Master, Margaret Fitzsimons, welcomed the new Freemen, noting that they represent many different facets of the lighting and electrical industry. She said that the varying perspectives new members bring keep the Lightmongers Company relevant and vibrant.
At the Court dinner that evening the Master, encouraged all Freemen of the Company, as part of maximising their membership, to progress to Liverymen by first becoming Freemen of the City of London and then applying to the Clerk to be installed as a Liveryman of the Company. She also urged all members to participate fully in our various networking events and to support our charitable and education work.
If you would like to find out more about becoming a member of the Lightmongers please contact our Clerk, Mark Houghton on
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