Celebrating Lightmongers Education Awards to Students plus a special presentation
Each year the Lightmongers use the occasion of its May Court Dinner to present our Education Awards to the worthy winners. It is always a marvellous evening to meet with all the students and to celebrate their success with them and this year, on May 10th, was no exception.
Lightmongers’ UCL Award 2023, generously sponsored by Canary Wharf Group.
The winner this year is Jessica Keates, with thanks to Liverymen Bob Harris and Bob Venning for joining the selection panel to assess the work of the candidates.

The Master, Jamie Barry, presenting the UCL Award to Jessica Keates.
Lightmongers LIA Advanced Course Award 2023, generously sponsored by Liveryman Ray Reid
The winner this year is Dan Oakley, with thanks again to Liverymen Bob Harris and Bob Venning for joining the selection panel to assess the work of the candidates.

The Master, Jamie Berry, and Sponsor Liveryman Ray Reid, presenting the LIA Advanced Course Award to Dan Oakley.
Lightmongers ALPD (Association of Lighting and Production Designers) Award generously sponsored by Senior Warden Peter McVeigh
The prize this year was shared by joint winners, Liam Aston and Liam Sayer, who unfortunately were not able to attend the dinner, but they were warmly congratulated by the Lightmongers and their prizes have subsequently been presented to them.
Head Students of our two Affiliated Schools
The Lightmongers also present Awards to the Head Students of our two affiliated Schools, Mary Hare School for the Deaf and New College Worcester for the Blind. These Awards are generously sponsored by Past Master Hugh Ogus.
The winners from Mary Hare School for the Deaf:

The Master, Jamie Berry and Sponsor Past Master Hugh Ogus, presenting the Awards to the four Head Students of Mary Hare School, supported by the School Principal Robin Askew.
The winners from New College Worcester for the Blind:

The Master, Jamie Berry, and Sponsor Past Master Hugh Ogus, presenting the prizes to the Head Students of New College Worcester supported by the college Principal Rachel Perks.
Phill Hyde Memorial Fund Presentations
The last presentations of the evening were very special. Following the sudden and very sad passing of our late Clerk Phill Hyde, his family set up a JustGiving page, inviting donations to go towards a Phill Hyde Memorial Fund, which would be split equally between our two affiliated Schools and our two affiliated Cadet Units, both of which were very important to Phill. Jill Hyde was a guest at the dinner, and she presented cheques for over £800 to each of the two Schools for the valuable work they do. Presentations to the two Cadet Units will take place at a future date.

Jill Hyde presenting the cheque from the Phill Hyde Memorial Fund to Robin Askew, Principal of Mary Hare School.

Jill Hyde presenting the cheque from the Phill Hyde Memorial Fund to Rachel Perks, Principal of New College Worcester.
In his closing speech, the Master congratulated all the Award winners on their achievements and wished them success in the future. He also thanked Jill Hyde for the very generous initiative on the part of her and her family in raising funds for the two affiliated schools and cadet units, which was much appreciated by the Company and the Schools and Cadet Units.
Rachel Perks, replying on behalf of all award recipients, expressed her immense gratitude to the Lightmongers for their continued support, commitment and encouragement for education throughout the lighting community.
The Master closed the evening by wishing everyone a safe journey home.

The Master, Jamie Berry, making his speech.
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