Each year the Lightmongers use the occasion of its May Court Dinner to present our Education Awards to the worthy winners. It is always a wonderful evening, meeting with all the students and celebrating their success with them and this year, on May 8th, was no exception.
Lightmongers’ UCL Award 2024, generously sponsored by Canary Wharf Group.
The winner this year is Tamanna Verma, with thanks to the judging panel who assessed the work of the candidates and selected the successful student.

The Master, Peter McVeigh, presenting the Lightmongers Canary Wharf UCL Award to Tamanna Verma.
Lightmongers LIA Advanced Course Award 2024, generously sponsored by Liveryman Ray Reid
The winner this year is Emily-Rose Maule, with thanks to the Education Committee for assessing the work of the candidates and selecting the successful student.

The Master, Peter McVeigh presenting the LIA Advanced Course Award to Emily-Rose Maule.
Head Students of our two Affiliated Schools
The Lightmongers are also proud to present Awards to the Head Students of our two affiliated Schools, New College Worcester for the Blind and Mary Hare School for the Deaf. These Awards are generously sponsored by Past Master Hugh Ogus.
The winners from New College Worcester for the Blind – this year only one of the Head Students was able to attend, Amy Griffin, and she collected her own Award and also the one for her fellow Head Student Lydia Beech.

The Master, Peter McVeigh presenting both Awards to Amy Griffin, Head Student of New College Worcester, supported by Victoria Ward, Strategic Lead Vision Impairment at NCW.
The winners from Mary Hare School for the Deaf this year were Marni Roff and Neeve Massey.

The Master, Peter McVeigh presenting the Awards to Marni Roff and Neeve Massey of Mary Hare School, supported by the School Principal Robin Askew.
In his after dinner speech, the Master congratulated all the Award winners on their achievements and wished them much success in the future.

The Master giving his after-dinner speech.
Robin Askew, Principal of Mary Hare School, replying on behalf of all award recipients, expressed the appreciation of both Schools to the Lightmongers for their continued support, commitment and encouragement for education throughout the lighting community. He closed by proposing the toast to the Lightmongers Company, may it flourish root and branch forever.

Robin Askew, Principal of Mary Hare School proposing the toast to the Lightmongers Company.
The guests then enjoyed some wonderful musical entertainment provided by Sean Harrington, who attended one of the Lightmonger May Court Dinners several years ago when he was a Head Student at New College Worcester for the Blind. Today he is a professional musician, a singer and songwriter, who performs widely in UK and across Europe. A fantastic performance, which drew a standing ovation from the guests.

Sean Harrington
The Master closed the formal part of the evening by wishing everyone a safe journey home and inviting them to join him in a stirrup cup, an opportunity for some final networking.
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