Corporate opportunities to support the Lightmongers CSR Policy
Opportunities: whilst membership of City of London Livery Companies, including the Lightmongers, is based on the personal membership of individuals, we will, as part of our CSR Policy initiative, additionally provide opportunities for Companies to become corporate Supporters of the Lightmongers CSR Policy. Through this, CSR Supporter membership Companies can support e.g. our charity and education CSR activities and integrate their supporting actions into their own CSR plans and programmes. Examples of this would include:
- Encouraging and supporting staff, to whom membership is relevant, to become members of the Company.
- Being directly involved in the charitable activities of the Lightmongers through the Lightmongers Charitable Trust e.g. financial donations, sponsorship of charitable events/activities and/or supporting staff in their participation in these charitable events/activities.
- Participating in the Lightmongers education activities e.g. sponsoring an Award, providing materials and facilities for lectures, providing speakers and organisation resources for events/lectures.
- Integrating the actions taken as part of your Lightmongers CSR Supporter membership into your own Company CSR policy and programme.
- CSR Policy Supporters will have the first option to sponsor Lightmonger events where sponsorship is made available. This can include appropriate corporate branding where agreed.
- A Certificate of your Lightmongers CSR Policy Supporter membership, which can be displayed prominently in your marketing materials/website plus inclusion in the Lightmongers website, and other marketing materials, of your CSR Policy Supporter membership.
- Through a corporate CSR Policy Supporter members group, there will be the opportunity for you as a Supporter to propose and/or influence the development of new ideas for inclusion in the Lightmongers CSR programme.