The Master for 2022/23 Liveryman Jamie Berry
At the annual Common Hall meeting (AGM) and Members Dinner held 4th November 2022, Liveryman Jamie Berry was elected to serve as Master Lightmonger for the year 2022/23
The other Officers elected were Deputy Master Margaret Fitzsimons; Senior Warden, Peter McVeigh and Junior Warden, Anthony Ginman.

L – R: Deputy Master Margaret Fitzsimons, Master Jamie Berry, Senior Warden Peter McVeigh, Junior Warden Anthony Ginman
The outgoing Master, Margaret Fitzsimons, presented the Annual Report to the members attending the AGM and thanked everyone for their support to Lightmongers during her year as Master. She gave particular thanks to members who quietly and in the background give generously of their time and skills to support the Company.

Outgoing Master, Margaret Fitzsimons, presenting the Annual Report to Members.
In his speech after the Dinner the Master, Jamie Berry thanked all Members for the trust they have placed in him to be Master Lightmonger for the 2022/23 year and looked forward to meeting many members during the year. He extended a warm welcome to seven new Freemen who had been installed at a Court meeting earlier in the day, and to their guests.

Incoming Master, Jamie Berry, making his speech of welcome to all members and guests.
The installation dinner was attended by 85 members and guests, who all enjoyed a superb meal with plenty of conversation in the wonderful setting of Tallow Chandlers Hall (our home base). The evening was rounded off with some musical entertainment provided by Abbie Jones, followed by some networking time over a stirrup-cup.

Great singing by Abbie Jones
Another thoroughly enjoyable evening! If you want to note the date for next year, it will be on Friday 3rd November 2023.
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