It was a great pleasure for the Court, at its Court meeting on 8th May 2024, to install a new Liveryman, Paul Shoobridge, and to welcome into the Company a new Freeman, Graham Skinner.

L-R: Deputy Master Jamie Berry, Freeman Graham Skinner, Master Peter McVeigh, Liveryman Paul Shoobridge, Senior Warden Tony Ginman and Junior Warden Graham Smith.
The Court congratulated Paul Shoobridge of Jordan Reflectors on progressing to full membership by becoming a Liveryman of the Company. Liverymen are able to take up various City of London benefits, such as the right to vote for the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs, and to be more involved in progression in the Company, including up to becoming Master if they are so interested.
The Court also welcomed Graham Skinner of D.W. Windsor as a Freeman into the membership of the Lightmongers, wished him full enjoyment of the benefits of being part of a City of London Livery Company and encouraged him to take the next steps of applying for the Freedom of the City of London and progressing to being a Liveryman of the Company.
At the Court dinner that evening the Master extended a warm welcome to Paul and Graham as a Liveryman and Freeman respectively and encouraged them, as part of maximising the benefit of their membership of the Company, to actively participate in the Company and its events and to support its Charity work.
If you would like to find out more about becoming a member of the Lightmongers, or about our Journeyman Scheme, please contact our Clerk, Mark Houghton by email at
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