One of the delights of a new Master’s Year is the Lightmongers participation in this ancient event. The Lord Mayor of London shows himself to the City of London in this, one of the best, parades in the world.
The show has been the highlight for 690 years first starting on the river Thames and more recently through the streets of the City.
The Lightmongers contingent was well supported with staff and pupils from our affiliated schools, Mary Hare and New College Worcester and our 2 cadet units TS Wizard and 56th Woolwich.

The Master with students from Mary Hare School
There was also a splendid turnout of fellow Lightmongers, some old hands and some new faces, all most welcome and very much appreciated. A big thank you to all who took part.
It actually was almost dry!!!!! The day started with drizzle but cleared up to become a dry day.
The Company carriage was occupied by the Master Barbara Harding and her consort together with Honorary Liveryman Admiral Sir Trevor Soar and Lady Anne Soar.
The Learned Clerk Phil Hyde did a wonderful job of organisation and the soup and rolls he provided were very well received by all. Thanks also go to David Burns who worked very hard looking after the young people and making sure they got their lunches.

The Master and Admiral Soar with TS Wizard Cadets
The Master was delighted to see the young cadets from TS Wizard wearing their splendid new tops courtesy of the Lightmongers and Admiral Soar.
Many of the walkers dined in Millie’s Lounge at the Ned afterwards with a few heading for the river for the fireworks.
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