Fellow Lightmongers,
I hope that you have all survived the awful weather and are now looking forward to Spring, which I am sure is just around the corner.
WC Scriveners
I began February with a visit to the Old Bailey for “The Presentation of the Quills”. The Sheriffs are presented with the quills that are used in Guildhall when they take up office and sign the declaration. They are also given a Scriveners fountain pen as quills are a bit difficult to carry around.
There were prizes for a handwriting competition which is contested by three City Schools. Just as a matter of interest all the winners were girls, boys must use technology rather than a pen!!!
CIBSE Dinner
I attended the CIBSE dinner which gave me a good opportunity to network the outcome being 3 prospective new members.
WC Environmental Cleaners, WC Arbitrators and WC Master Mariners
I had lunch with the above companies. They were all such friendly events and provided a real opportunity to chat with fellow Masters and let them know about us and what we are about.
WC Chartered Architects
I attended a lecture run by WC Chartered Architects, the topic of which talked about planning decisions in the City and the delicate nature of combining old and new buildings, allowing them to blend in a complimentary way.
WC World Traders
The Worshipful Company of World Traders had as their speaker Nathan Myhrvold PhD. Nathan was The Chief Strategist and Chief Technology Officer of the Microsoft Corporation. I am sure you will now be thinking “Wow” and so you should as he must be the most intelligent man I have ever heard. He spoke about artificial intelligence in the workplace. I found the lecture fascinating but would struggle to explain it to you as it was a little over my head.
The Masters Certificate Scheme
The Glaziers’ Hall was the venue for the Masters Certificate Scheme Award Ceremony. The Lightmongers’ Master’s Certificate was presented to Robert Venning C Eng MCIBSE FSLL. Robert started his career in lighting design in 1968 until he retired in 2012. Robert is still very involved with the lighting industry’s educational activities and we are delighted that he serves on our Education Committee.
The Journeyman Award went to Bonnie Brooks and our Apprentice Certificate was awarded to Melanie Wells.
EDA Dinner
On Friday I attended the EDA Annual Awards Dinner. A very well attended event and another organisation with superb training and apprenticeship programmes.
Walter Balmford MBE
We do have a rising radio star. Our very own Walter Balmford MBE has spoken on 104.4 about his life in the City. He was so successful they have asked him to return to give a talk on the livery movement.
It just goes to show it’s never too late and we don’t know what’s around the corner.
Senior Wardens Reception
I am sure that all who attended our Senior Warden’s Reception at Trinity House really enjoyed the evening with excellent food and very good entertainment. Well done to Steve and our Clerk Phill.
Events Committee
I was unable to attend the visit to Westminster Abbey but I understand it was a huge success, well done Events Committee.
Companions’ Lunch
Please remember to encourage wives and partners along, with their friends, to attend my Companions’ Lunch on the 18th April at the Watermans’ Hall. It is the first time we have held this event and really would like it to be a success. Applications will be out this week.
Annual Members’ and Guests Dinner
I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at our March Dinner at the Haberdashers Hall.
Best Wishes to you all
Barbara Harding
Master Lightmonger
January 2018
Future Events
Companians Luncheon – 18th April 2018 – Applications out this week.
Lightmongers’ Annual Golf Day – 26th April – RAC Woodcote Park – APPLICATION AVAILABLE NOW!!
Lighting Industry Sailing Regatta Thursday 34th May 2018 – Applications Available NOW!!
Lost Rivers of London 3rd June 2018 – details out soon.
Four Livery’s Lecture 17th July 2018 – details out soon
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