Fellow Lightmongers,
I do hope that you are all settling in to 2018 after enjoying a pleasant Festive Season.
The year began with the Lord Mayor’s Christmas Party. This year we had two granddaughters who were eligible to attend. One went as “Dick Whittington’s Cat” who in case you didn’t know was called “Tomkin” and the other was “Batgirl”. They had a marvellous time and the Lord Mayor let his hair down as you can see doing the “Conga” around Mansion House.
My first event was the Plaisterers’ Annual Dinner, a truly wonderful evening held in their splendid hall.
John and myself attended the City New Year Service held in St Michael’s Church, Cornhill. This was a lovely service in a packed church. The sermon was inspirational, given by Revd Charlie Skrine and following the service we had lunch at the Drapers’ Hall.
For the first time ever I visited the Grocers’ Hall for lunch. They have recently renovated their hall; it is beautiful and the hall is available for hire. 43 Livery Companies were represented and we were hosted extremely well.
The Master gave a very interesting talk and was proud to say that more Grocers have become Lord Mayor than any other company. Something else that he said was that it was a Grocer who first created the “one way system” on the streets of London which are now, as we know, internationally used.
I have not attended anything else in the City yet this year although activity is now accelerating so I expect I will have more to report in my next blog.
We held our F&GP and Livery Committee Meetings and I am delighted to say that the committee chairman, along with their committees, are working hard to enhance and promote our Company.
Please remember that I will be holding The Companions Lunch on Wednesday the 18th of April at Watermans’ Hall. All members’ wives, husbands and partners are welcome. This is the first time this event has been held and I would like it to be a success so please encourage your loved ones to attend.

Waterman’s Hall
I am planning to abseil for the Lord Mayor’s appeal on September 14th. This will take place at the tallest building in the square mile at 62 stories and 972 feet when complete.
There will be a just giving page created which hopefully, after giving a portion to the Lord Mayor, the remainder will go into the Lightmongers’ Charity Account.
I can’t say that I am looking forward to it but it just seems an opportunity that should not be missed.
I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the Senior Wardens Reception which is being held at Trinity House on the 23rd of February. Please try to support this event, it is a wonderful and very interesting venue. The Senior Warden has a splendid musical surprise to complete the evening.

Trinity House, Tower Hill London
Future Events
Senior Warden’s Reception – 23rd February – Trinity Hall – APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE
Annual Members and Guests Dinner – 23rd March – Haberdashers’ Hall – APPLICATIONS OUT SOON
Lightmongers’ Annual Golf Day – 26th April – RAC Woodcote Park – APPLICATION AVAILABLE
Yours sincerely
Barbara Harding
Master Lightmonger
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